UNIMALNEWS | Batam - As part of performance evaluation of institutions and activity units within Universitas Malikussaleh, the assessors appreciated those institutions that showed the best budget performance and output absorption in 2019. The event was held at Aston Hotel, Batam, on Friday, December 27, 2019, joined by all the institutions and units that signed performance contract in August 2019.
All work units within Universitas Malikussaleh - the Vice Rectors, the Deans, The Head of the Research and Community Service Institute, the head of Quality Assurance Institution, and the Technical Implementation Units presented the activities and performance that had been carried out for the last one year. "The presentation was actually only for confirmation purposes on what has been done, where each institution cannot argue because the report cards have been assessed before," said the secretary of the evaluation team, Riyandhi Praza, M.Sc.
Following all the presentations that were finished by Saturday midnight (12/28), the Evaluator team finally presented an award to the Vice Rector for Student Affairs as the institution that exhibited the best budget absorption output. The success of this team arises from the number of achievements obtained by the students for the past year, as well as its success in consolidating and distributing scholarships to eligible students.
The award for The Best Performing Technical Implementation Unit was presented to the Public Relations and External Relations Unit. The newly formed unit during Herman Fithra's leadership succeeded in surpassing many high targets, such as the significant number of the news portal “Unimalnews” readers that reached 356,000 people, more than the targeted 150,000. Furthermore, the Unimalnews portal successfully published 870 news in a year. This massive coverage also succeeded in bringing the Alexa Unimalnews traffic to the best of all well-known news portals in Aceh. "We are only after Unsyiah and Serambi Indonesia, which have far more personnel than the Unimal Public Relations team," said Ayi Jufridar, Head of Publication and Information Division of the Public Relations and External Relations Unit of Unimal.
In his statement, the head of the Unimal Public Relations and External Relations Unit, Teuku Kemal Fasya, said that this success was inseparable from the solidity of the PR team. "Most of those who work at UPT PR are young people and young lecturers who still have high ideals, so there are many records that we can make. We also support each other, "said Kemal.[kur]