Faculty of Economics and Business of Universitas Malikussaleh Explores Cooperation with BUMN House


Humas Unimal
Faculty of Economics and Business lecturers collaborate with BUMN House officers. Photo : spec.

UNIMALNEWS | Lhokseumawe - In order to improve organizational performance and strengthen accreditation to achieve higher rankings, the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Universitas Malikussaleh is exploring opportunities for cooperation and collaboration with Rumah BUMN (State-Owned Enterprise House) through a meeting on Wednesday (September 6, 2023) at the Bukit Indah Campus, Lhokseumawe.

Jullimursyida Ph.D, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, chaired over the meeting, which was attended by all Vice Deans, Heads and Secretaries of Departments, and Study Program Coordinators from the faculty. Meanwhile, Rumah BUMN representative was directly attended by Helmi Fadli MBA, the Young CEO of Rumah BUMN, and a BUMN team operating in Lhokseumawe.

Jullimursyida stated that during the meeting, several activity plans were discussed, including developing potential and competence as well as internships for students, community service through fostered villages, involving lecturers in the development and fostering of UMKM (Micro, Small, and Medium Interprises), supporting the implementation of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (Independent Learning and Independent Campus) and building international networks to increase competitiveness.

"It is critical for this collaboration to provide added value and a portfolio for the FEB, allowing this organization to adapt and compete with economics faculties at other universities both nationally and internationally. This collaboration is necessary in the midst of global developments so that FEB Unimal graduates can be absorbed by the existing job market," Jullimursyida remarked.

Furthermore, Helmi Fadli, stated that his party opens up numerous opportunities to collaborate with the FEB Unimal in order to build an entrepreneurial ecosystem and also participate in supporting every Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi (Three Pillars of Higher Education) activity as part of participation in educating the nation's life as mandated by the 1945 Constitution.

"BUMN Houses have five roles, namely UMKM development, Environmental Social Responsibility (Disaster Task Force), PK / BL / KUR Program, Co-Working Space, and Millennials Basecamp, which will be very optimal if cooperation and collaboration with FEB Unimal can be realized," he stated.

Meanwhile, the meeting's initiator, Dr Mohd Heikal, who is also a lecturer at FEB Unimal, stated that this cooperation would later be formalized in the form of signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), later this document would become a legal protection for each party in the implementation of any jointly designed program and activity [tmi/sis].

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