PPKS Unimal Task Force Educate New Students About Sexual Violence


Humas Unimal
Ella Suzanna as the speaker of sexual violence prevention at the Introduction to New Student Campus Life (PKKMB) at Universitas Malikussaleh

In an effort to create a campus free from sexual violence, the Sexual Violence Prevention and Handling Task Force of Universitas Malikussaleh (PPKS Unimal Task Force) conducted socialization at the Introduction to New Student Campus Life (PKKMB) on the second day of PKKMB, Tuesday (August 29, 2023) at the Reuleut Campus, North Aceh.

This socialization is an imperative of the implementation of Permendikbudristek (Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Techology) No. 30 of 2021 regarding Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in the Campus Environment. The two objectives of the PPKS Task Force are prevention and therapy. The prevention is aimed at all community and academic members of the campus through socialization, workshops, and education about the dangers of the impact of Sexual Violence and the therapy is how the PPKS to carry out the treatment.

More than 4,000 new students attended the socialization and education process. The presenters were Annisa Yasin, Ella Suzanna, MHSc., Rahmia Dewi, MPsi., moderated by Muhammad Ilal Sinaga. Apparently, there were Dr T Nazaruddin Usman, MHum (Kabiro AKPK/ The Head of Bureau of Academics, Student, Planning, and Information System), and Hadi Iskandar, MH (Vice Dean III of the Law Faculty).

The first speaker, Rahmia Dewi, presented about the importance of prevention and counseling for victims. She mentioned that the perpetrator could be anyone from students or lecturers. "Prevention of sexual violence is important. We must also have the courage to report it so we can get counseling to reduce the traumatic impact," she said.

The second speaker, Ella Suzanna, described the forms of sexual violence in accordance with Permendikbudristek No. 30 of 2021. There are 21 forms of sexual violence that can occur in a campus environment, including whistling with a sexual nature (cat calling), touching the victim's body and undressing without their permission, giving sanctions with a sexual nuance, and rape.

"Students must realize that there are 21 criteria for sexual violence that seem normal. It's not only at the level of sexual harassment and rape, so you have to be careful," Ella warned.

The third speaker, Annisa Yasin, mentioned that the importance of reporting acts of sexual violence and protecting one's honor from possible crimes. She stated that we have personal control is within ourselves. "Students, if you find or witness a case of sexual violence on campus, immediately report it to the PPKS Task Force. The PPKS Task Force will handle your report. So don't be afraid," she advised.

This sociability and educational session was ended by questions and answers from the students and presenters. At the end of the session, Ella reminded attendees that they could immediately report sexual violence using the internet network at the URL https://bit.ly/LayananPengjuanganSeksualUnimal if they became a victim, found it, or saw it taking place in the Universitas Malikussaleh area. [sis/tkf]

(the original article was published at unimalnews as Satgas PPKS Unimal Edukasi Mahasiswa Baru tentang Kekerasan Seksual)

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