Dozens of Universitas Malikussaleh Students Participate in Student Entrepreneurship Program (PMW) Training


Humas Unimal
Sisca Olivia as the chair of committee gives a speech at opening remarks on Student Entrepreneurship Program (PMW)

Dozens students who successfully completed the Universitas Malikussaleh Student Entrepreneurship Program (PMW) participate in its training in 2023. On September 13, 2023, the event took place at Cut Mutia Hall on the Bukit Indah Campus in Lhokseumawe City.

Dr Alfian, the vice rector for student affairs and alumni, gave the event's opening remarks. Dr. Alfian stated in his remarks that because the funds that given to the students was from Malikussaleh University, it should be spent as efficiently as possible and all expenses should be documented.

Alfian hopes that this Student Entrepreneurship Program (PMW) activity will have an effect in the future rather than just being a program. "Every business that will be undertaken first instill discipline in yourself and instill confidence in the business that we are doing," he explained.

Meanwhile, the head of the committee, Sisca Olivia MS, reported in her speech that there were several stages that were carried out in this year's PMW. In the first stage, the administrative selection, 243 proposals were submitted, in the interview selection 243 participants were interviewed, in the third stage, the field visits, 79 student business were visited.

Meanwhile, Sisca Olivia MS, the chair of the committee, reported in her speech that this year's PMW went through several stages. 243 proposals were submitted for the first stage's administrative selection, 243 participants were interviewed for the second stage's interview selection, and 79 student businesses were visited for the third stage's field visits.

"Of the 79 businesses, we selected 45 participants to attend today's training," she said [fzl/sis].


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