Who is Behind Covid-19


Humas Unimal
Sri Savitri Handayani Ritonga, mahasiswi Prodi Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Malikussaleh. FOTO; IST

Oleh Sri Savitri Handayani Ritonga

Covid 19 or more commonly known as the corona virus, has become a pandemic worldwide. It is contagious and highly lethal because there is no vaccine found for this virus. About prevention or contagion can easly be found in the media. The government has given direction to obey the rules of covid-19 so that everyone is expected to comply. However, all these rules are incompatible with reality and many still refuse to listen to the rules made. The government has declared that additional positive patients of the corona virus have caused the number of covid-19 cases in Indonesia to rise. Based on government data through Wednesday (4/29/2020), there have been 260 new cases of covid-19, since its first patient announcement on march 2, 2020. This statement was delivered by a government spokesman for the handling of Covid-19, Achmad Yurianto, at a press conference in Jakarta, Wednesday afternoon. So will the Corona Viruses increase positively or recover from the infection or even die? No one know, this is goes back to each individual.

World Health Orgnization (WHO) has reported since December 31, 2019 and on April 29,3.052.370 Covid-19 cases (in keeping with the application of the contexts and test strategies in affected countries). Have been reported, 216.563 deaths worldwide. Adhanom Geyesus said his side would continue to increase reports on the Covid-19 case in Africa, Eastern Europe, Latin and Some Asian Countries. “The plague is not over. Some countries have not reported cases and mortality rates because of low testing capacity”. He said at the WHO headquarters in Geneva on Monday (4/27/2020) as reported by CNN.

Where did this Corona Pandemic come from? Well, on December 31, 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) China office heard the first reports of a previously-unknown virus behind a number of pneumonia cases in Wuhan, a city in Eastern China with a population of over 11 million. The disease appears to have originated from a Wuhan seafood  market where wild animals, including marmots, birds, rabbits, bats and snakes, are traded illegally. Corona Viruses are known to jump from animals to humans, so it’s thought that the first people infected with the disease.

In addition to being suspected from China, it turns out that Covid-19 allegedly originated from the United States of America which was brought by a soldier to the the country that is commonly called “Tirai Bambu” country. Quoted from the Channel News Asia page on Thursday (3/13/2020) but there is no accurate evidence. As a result, there are mutual accusation between one country and another. It is not known who to trust and what the issues are. Presiden Donal Trump stated that he will demand damages from the chinese government for the corona virus spread in the city of Wuhan, China and spread around the world. "We are not happy with China," Trump told reporters at the White House as reported by the AFP news agency on Tuesday (4/28/2020). "We are not happy with the whole situation because we believe this can be prevented at the source," Trump said. In addition, the recent German newspaper, which urged China to pay Germany U$165 billion in compensation for economic damage caused by the corona virus.

The damage to the world economy caused by the corona virus makes most people afraid to die not because of the corona virus but because there is no food supply. If there is a State that demands compensation to the country of origin of Covid-19, it is a form of policy from that State not a form of obligation. If someone has the courage to hold accountable, it means he is sure that the person is the culprit and has accurate evidence.

If Covid-19 came from China or United States, why are there so many fatalities there? Is it true that others should not suspect that the virus is manufactured as a biological weapon? As religious people, know that everything comes from the creator, Allah SWT. This virus is a test from the creator for human beings who are often arrogant and feel the highest degree on earth, loss of respect for others and forget that all is just a deposit given by God. Now, when the pandemic comes, the professions that we have underestimated feel before are the ones who are very influential for many people to make ends meet. For example a nurse, farmer, fisherman, courier and so forth. But also does not mean people who committed crimes who died due to this virus, there are also people who are close to God died because of this plague. Such people will get blessings and rewards on the side of Allah SWT. Therefore behind this pandemic is one of God's secrets that no one can avoid.

Rest assured that no one wants this plague to come, everything happens by God's will. Stop guessing, blaming and hating each other. Reflect on yourself by fixing the mistakes that exist in yourself. Expand to worship according to our respective beliefs and follow the rules in preventing Covid-19 transmission. This pandemic will the end if everyone is willing to participate in breaking the chain of deployment so that we can go about our normal activities again. Hopefully with this Covid-19 plague, we can take lessons and make us better than ever.

Sri Savitri Handayani Ritonga adalah mahasiswi Prodi Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Malikussaleh

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